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Te Reo translation of
PROBE1 reading comprehension assessment
Translated by Mere Clarke
Editors: Piripi Walker & Ian Cormack (licensed translators)
©2007 Triune Initiatives
For many readers understanding doesn't come easy. Effective comprehension is better taught than caught. Comprehension skills should be assessed to determine what needs to be taught.PURPOSE
HAURAPA-PROBE is designed to provide in-depth data about a student's ability to read & understand text. Assessment results should be used to determine teaching. Consequently, it can be described as a controlled, in-depth interview to achieve a greater understanding as to how a reader engages with text.
HAURAPA-PROBE is a translation of the renowned, New Zealand-made PROBE1 Reading Assessment.
2-BOOK KIT+ laminated card
specialists and classroom teachers of Te Reo Maori
• 7 yr olds to adults - wherever Te Reo Maori is being read
• younger students who decode well
PART 1: Hei Arataki - Guide (Maori & English)
PART 2: Whakatau Pūwāhi - Determiner (word pre-test)
PART 3: Ngā Whakauta - Answers + keywords
PART 4: NgāKāpe Matua - 43 copymasters
BOOK 2. TUHINGA AKONGA - Student Texts
40 texts with all questions
• 40 texts (no extracts or retold stories)
• 20 levels (English PROBE levels are 5 to 15.5 years - 6 month overlaps)
• Fiction and non-fiction at every level
• No pictures or title clues (testing text only)
• Culturally & geographically non-specific texts
• Targeted, defined comprehension questions
E ono ngā pātai kua oti te whakatau me te whakamahi hei meiha i te hōhonutanga o te māramatanga o te akonga.
Six types of questions have been defined and used to measure student's depth of understanding.
Ā-kupu: he pārongo i hōmai hāngaitia i roto i te tuhinga
Literal - information stated directly in the text.
Whakaritenga anō: te hangahou kia rua, kia nui atu rānei ngā pitopito pārongo i roto i te tuhinga
Reorganisation - reconstructing literal information contained in the text.
Whakataunga: he pārongo i whakapaea ēngari kāore i homai hāngaitia i roto i te tuhinga
Inference: information implied, but not given directly in the text
Rārangi kupu: he whakatau i te tikanga o ngā kupu ngaro, i te horopaki
Vocabulary: defining a word or phrase as it is used in the text
Aromātainga: he mārohi rāwaho i ētahi atu pārongo kāore i hômaitia i roto i te tuhinga
Evaluation: extrapolating additional information not given in the text
Urupare: he whakapuaki i te whakaaro i takea mai i te pārongo i hōmaingia i roto i te tuhinga
Reaction: expressing an opinion based on information given in the text
To assess anyone’s ability to read and understand Te Reo Maori.
Ideal for use in primary school through to adult literacy.
The writers consider its main use would be with students 7 years and upwards.
There are four options to choose from:
OPTION 1 Informal Reading Inventory
OPTION 2 Silent Reading Comprehension
OPTION 3 Listening Comprehension
OPTION 4 Written Comprehension*
*secondary/adult readers in certain circumstances only.
Inaianei ka taea e koe te titiro whānui me ka pehea
te whakautu ā ō
akonga Reo Maori ngā koeke
tuhinga panuitanga.Now you can find out so much more about how your students
of Reo Maori respond to
graded text information.
HAURAPA-PROBE is designed to be used one-to-one
to give greater insight into
reading behaviours and
comprehension skills.